REIKI is a system to support ultimate health.
The word Reiki comes from the Japanese kanji:
Rei, universal, sacred and Ki, energy, life force.
Reiki helps the body return to a state of relaxation, allowing healing of damage from stress, injury or disease, supporting absolute health of mind, body and spirit.
A sound experience with Dara is an immersive, resonant and meditative experience which intends to support relaxation, restoration and self reflection, often including postures, breath practices, sound vibration and songs to serve alignment of the body, mind and energy and to open the heart to heal.
Following an intention, participants will be guided into various restorative physical postures to promote alignment and flow.
Gentile breath practices will be offered as a helpful tool to arrive in a state of relaxation in preparation for meditative deep listening.
Special musical instruments Intentionally sequenced will fill the space with powerful frequencies to support participants on their journey. Healing songs will be shared in honor of our connection, for contemplation, inspiration and upliftment.